Source code for

"""History command."""

from import CommandError

from ..alembic import AlembicCommand

[docs]class History(AlembicCommand): """Display alembic revisions.""" help = "Display alembic revisions"
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("app_label", nargs="?", help="App label of application to limit the output to.") parser.add_argument( "-r", "--rev_range", action="store", dest="rev_range", default=None, help="Specify a revision range; format is [start]:[end].", )
[docs] def handle(self, app_label=None, rev_range=None, verbosity=0, **kwargs): verbose = bool(verbosity - 1) appconfigs = [self.lookup_app(app_label)] if app_label is not None else self.sorcery_apps.values() if rev_range is not None: if app_label is None: raise CommandError("Revision requires an app label") if ":" not in rev_range: raise CommandError("History range requires [start]:[end], [start]:, or :[end]") base, head = rev_range.strip().split(":") else: base = head = None self.print_history(appconfigs, verbose, base, head)
[docs] def print_history(self, appconfigs, verbose, base, head): """Prints alembic revision history.""" for appconfig in appconfigs: self.stdout.write("Migrations for {} on database {}".format(, appconfig.db.alias)) ) for rev in appconfig.script.walk_revisions(base=base or "base", head=head or "heads"): self.stdout.write( rev.cmd_format(verbose=verbose, include_branches=True, include_doc=True, include_parents=True) )
Command = History